EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Nissan the polar bear relaxes at Yorkshire Wildlife Park after 1,000 mile journey

Nissan the polar bear finds the perfect way to relax after an eventful journey with a cooling dip in one of the large lakes at Project Polar.

The 22-month-old is making the most of his new home after he travelled 1,000 miles to Yorkshire from Russia with love and is settling in well at the award winning Yorkshire Wildlife Park.

He had a comfortable journey via air, road and ferry from Moscow and was untroubled when his special lorry was briefly targeted by immigrants in Calais who were soon removed by police.

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This exclusive footage shows Nissan taking his first steps into the reserve at Project Polar and checking out his new surroundings. Project Polar, is the purpose built 10-acre reserve with rolling hills, pools and caves that mirrors the summer Arctic tundra. Nissan is in a reserve adjacent to Victor (16) and two and half year old Pixel.