Two weeks left to have your say on East Lindsey's draft Local Plan

Local PlanLocal Plan
Local Plan
There are just two weeks left for residents to have their say on East Lindsey District Council's draft Local Plan.

The Local Plan has been out for consultation since June 27, and the consultation closes on August 8 at 5.30pm. All responses must be received by that date and time.

A Local Plan sets out how the area will respond to an increasing population and changes in lifestyle, as well as ensuring that housing, employment land, schools, shops and other facilities are provided for, while preserving and enhancing what is special about the District. The draft Local Plan sets a housing target of 7815, of which 4086 have either already been given permission or started.

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ELDC says that, in effect, this means there is only a relatively small amount of housing to be allocated over the next 15 years.

Because of coastal flood risk, the Local Plan is not proposing to allocate housing in the coastal zone of the district but does strongly support economic growth, giving this area of the District its own discrete policy in the Plan.

Alongside this, policies to make sure infrastructure is delivered as part of the growth have been identified, as well as policies that protect the special features of East Lindsey, including its landscape, biodiversity, heritage, and the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The second and final phase of consultation will take place it is hoped before the end of 2016 and before the Plan is sent to the Government’s Planning Inspector for examination.

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However, in line with legislative procedures for Local Plan development, that consultation will not be about making further amendments to the document but will enable the public to make ‘representations’ about whether they consider the plan to be ‘sound’.

The Government has said that any Councils that fail to submit their plans by early 2017 will face national intervention, which it is likely will involve financial penalties - and it is important that the plan remains on track for delivery to the Planning Inspectorate.

• More information is available at or at ELDC’s Customer Access Points.